Our Story

In the beautiful coastal region of Kerala, where the air is filled with the scent of coconut oil and spices, we embarked on a special mission. We've always known the benefits of coconut oil, but we wanted to create something more convenient and practical to use, something you can take with you everywhere.

For two years, we did a lot of research and explored natural remedies and ancient beauty secrets. We sought wisdom from wise elders, consulted with experts, and tirelessly experimented. And finally, we succeeded in making an incredible all-natural moisturizer that is good for your skin, hair, and lips. It's an all-in-one solution that you can use every day and easily carry with you.

We're really proud of our moisturizer because it's made without any chemicals. We carefully choose each ingredient, starting with locally sourced coconut oil. We make it using traditional methods that have been passed down through generations. This golden oil is known for deeply moisturizing and has lots of antioxidants.

During the journey, we discovered another amazing ingredient—honeycomb from organic bee farm near our hometown here in northern Kerala. This honeycomb is like a treasure full of natural goodness. It's packed with vitamins and minerals that make your skin look youthful and radiant.

To complete our creation, we added a special blend of essential oils from different parts of India. We searched the mystical valleys of the Himalayas and the aromatic spice fields of Kerala to find the finest oils. These essential oils not only give our moisturizer a beautiful fragrance but also have therapeutic benefits for your skin.

As we share our story with you, we want to invite you to join us on this enchanting journey. Experience the touch of nature's bounty, feel the gentle caress of our all-natural moisturizer, and enjoy the perfect blend of innovation and creativity that went into creating it.

Give it a try and see for yourself how nature's goodness can transform your skin and hair.